Non-fiction titles

 Polar Bear Evolution: A Model for How New Species Arise

Available now (release date 7 June 2023), 420 pages, ebook, paperback, and hardcover formats worldwide via Amazon, including (but not limited to) the following:







  • We have known for a long time that polar bears evolved from a brown bear ancestor because of the close similarities between fossil bones of ancient bears and biological features of living animals.
  • Despite more than a dozen genetic studies and several new fossil finds, before now no one has been able to reconcile all the evidence regarding when and where this speciation event happened.
  • This book argues that polar bears almost certainly evolved off Ireland about 140 thousand years ago, during a very cold ice age.
  • Uniquely, this account also provides an explanation for how this happened, using a testable theory that explains exactly how a brown bear could have transformed into a polar bear within a few generations.
  • The same theory also explains how virtually all other species came to be, including domestic dogs, flightless birds, and dwarf island species.
  • More than the complete story of polar bear origins, this book is a big-picture account of how evolution works for most organisms.
  • Given their history, polar bears must be pre-adapted to extended periods of ice-free summers, since we know they have survived at least two of these events, the first of which lasted at least 10 thousand years.

Fallen Icon: Sir David Attenborough and the Walrus Deception

Crockford_Fallen Icon_small THUMBNAIL cover_16 Jan 2022  In 2019, Sir David Attenborough created a scandal when he falsely insisted in the Netflix/WWF documentary ‘Our Planet’, that hundreds of walrus that fell to their deaths off a cliff in Siberia did so because of climate change. My investigation into the deceptions involved reveals the full extent of Attenborough’s journey to noble cause corruption, which started with the falling walrus and ended with him promoting ridiculous prophesies for COP26, which ultimately failed miserably in its objectives.

Currently available in paperback and ebook formats at Amazon, with a hardcover to follow soon.

For the UK, click here; for Canada, click here, & for Australia, click here.

What people are saying about Fallen Icon:

“Dr. Susan Crockford is a fearless pursuer of truth in an era when science has been comprehensively falsified and the media corrupted to promote a non-existent ‘climate crisis.’ In Fallen Icon she takes on the ‘gratuitous animal tragedy porn’ peddled by British natural historian Sir David Attenborough to promote hysteria ahead of the failed COP26 conference in Glasgow.” Peter Foster, National Post columnist and author of Why We Bite the Invisible Hand: The Psychology of Anti-Capitalism.

“In her new book Susan chronicles the deceitful and unscrupulous way in which Sir David Attenborough has characterized the death of hundreds of Russian walruses, claiming they were due to a lack of ice caused by global warning. Thanks to Susan we now know the truth about Sir David’s shameless attempt to use the walrus deaths to support another myth, that there is a ‘climate emergency’ that requires we effectively give up modern civilization altogether.”

Patrick Moore, Ph.D. Ecologist, Greenpeace co-founder, and author of Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom.

Fallen Icon exposes how ‘the science’ was corrupted by a political campaign to promote the false notion that a global ‘climate emergency’ exists. How do you scare the public about climate change when polar bear numbers keep rising? Easy, show the public horrifying images of walruses falling to their deaths and hundreds of walrus corpses, and blame those deaths on scarier and scarier predictions of the future based on flawed climate models tuned to maximize dire scenarios. Crockford digs deep to expose the fraudulent tactics that climate activist Sir David Attenborough used to lobby for political ‘solutions’ that included a revolution of society not unlike ‘The Great Reset’ and the ‘Green New Deal’. If you thought Attenborough and the WWF really just wanted to save the walruses, then you need to read Fallen Icon.”

Marc Morano, publisher of Climate Depot, former senior staff U.S. Senate Environment & Public Works Committee. Author of Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal is Even Worse Than You Think

Susan Crockford’s Fallen Icon is a riveting and revealing exposé of the great walrus-over-a-cliff climate scam perpetrated by an A-list of activists from the World Wildlife Fund to Netflix to David Attenborough. The book is detailed and well-documented.  Crockford’s work suggests that a key aspect of Attenborough’s Our Planet documentary series was a deliberate manipulation to create a sensational story describing climate events that never happened. Fallen Icon should serve as a red flag to all who want to hold on to the facts about climate change – and polar bears.

Terence Corcoran, National Post columnist.


Walrus Facts & Myths:

A science summary for all ages

Now available in paperback and ebook formats. In Canada here.

This beautiful, full color summary explains current walrus ecology and conservation status for readers of all ages (7 and up). The language is straightforward but not condescending so it works for students of various reading abilities as well as adults who prefer a simply synopsis. The book is written in a question and answer format based on the most up-to-date information available. The sensible, big-picture approach is one all readers are sure to appreciate because it makes it clear that walrus are thriving despite the recent loss of Arctic sea ice and are not threatened with extinction by climate change. This is a great aide for homeschoolers learning about Arctic ecology and a beautiful book for adults and children to read together.

Read a review here.


The Polar Bear Catastrophe That Never Happened

Catastrophe cover thumbnail 200 pixels wide

The Polar Bear Catastrophe That Never Happened explains why the catastrophic decline in polar bear numbers we were promised in 2007 failed to materialize. It’s the story of how and why the polar bear came to be considered `Threatened’ with extinction, and tracks the species rise and fall as an icon of the global warming movement.

The book also tells the story of my role in bringing that failure to public attention and the backlash against me that ensued.

For the first time, you’ll see a frank and detailed account of attempts by scientists to conceal population growth as numbers rose from an historical low in the 1960s to the astonishing highs that surely must exist after almost 50 years of protection from overhunting.

There is also a blunt account of what truly abundant populations of bears mean for the millions of people who live and work in areas of the Arctic inhabited by polar bears.

This is a full-length illustrated book that is fully referenced.

Title: The Polar Bear Catastrophe That Never Happened
Author: Susan J. Crockford
Publisher: Global Warming Policy Foundation
Publication date: 17 March 2019
Distributor: Amazon
ISBN-13: 978-0993119088
Formats: Paperback, Kindle ebook, and ‘epub’ ebook.
Number of pages: 209
Price: Paperback US$12.00  Kindle Ebook: US$6.75 Epub ebook: US$8.00

In the UK, the paperback is here and ebook is here.

Find it on Amazon here.

As of 3 April 2019, the ‘epub’ ebook version is available at Barnes & Noble and Smashwords. It’s viewable on PCs, Macs, and virtually all smart phones and tablets (except Kindle), for US$8.00 (ISBN 9780995620858).


The Polar Bear Catastrophe That Never Happened

The Glenn Beck Program (Blaze Radio Network, Dallas, Texas), Tuesday 19 March 2019 Podcast

Danielle Smith  (770 Talk Radio in Alberta), Tuesday 19 March 2019 [no podcast]

Andrew Bolt (The Bolt Report, Skye News TV, Australia) Sunday 24 March 2019. Podcast

The Rush Limbaugh Show (Premier Radio Networks): an extended mention of the book with commentary (no interview), Wednesday 20 March 2019 Podcast

Tucker Carlson Tonight (Fox News TV), Thursday 4 April 2019 Podcast below:
John Gormley Radio Live (CKOM and CJME in Saskatchewan), Friday 5 April 2019 [no podcast]
The John Steigerwald Show (Radio AM 1250 WPGP, Pittsburgh, PA), Tuesday 16 April 2019 [no podcast]
Mark Hahn (“Drive Time Live” Radio, Sioux City, Iowa), Wednesday 24 April 2019 [no podcast]
Bill Martinez (Nationally syndicated talk radio), Monday 22 April 2019 [no podcast]
Tron Simpson (AM740 Radio, Colorado Springs, CO), Sunday 28 April 2019 [no podcast]
Mark Pope (KPEL 96.5 talk radio), Lafayette, Louisiana [no podcast]
Zeb Bell (talk radio Idaho), Wednesday 24 April 2019 [no podcast]
Alex Pierson (Global News Radio 980, Toronto), Thursday April 18 2019 [no podcast]
Dennis Prager Show (nationally syndicated talk radio, Los Angeles/New York), Thursday 2 May 2019 [no podcast]

Polar Bear Science Trio – short books

These short science books offer the information critical for understanding current issues in polar bear ecology and conservation. You’ll learn some amazing facts and myths about these Arctic icons from both but one of them is fashioned specifically with kids in mind.

For elementary and middle school students (and adults)


Available now! This versatile, full-color summary volume is appropriate for ages 7 and up but may also appeal to adults. Polar Bear Facts and Myths: A Science Summary for all Ages is laid out in a question and answer format, with language that is straightforward but not condescending, so it works for students of various reading abilities as well as adults who prefer a simple synopsis. A great polar bear book for adults and kids to read together.

Available in paperback or ebook formats. (US).

Amazon Canada

Amazon UK

Other ebook options (including formats for Nook, Kobi, and Apple appliances, as well as simple pdf) are now available via Smashwords. Nook “epub” ebook versions also available via Barnes and Noble.


German: A German translation of Polar Bear Facts and Myths is now available through Amazon, suitable for children aged seven and up. Full colour in paperback only, 44 pages.

Crockford FM FRONT cover only_German 10 Sept 2017 standard thumbnail

Der Titel: Eisbären Fakten und Mythen: Eine wissenschaftliche Zusammenfassung für alle Altersgruppen

Der Autor: Susan J. Crockford
Übersetzt von: Marie McMillan
Datum der Veröffentlichung: 10 September 2017
ISBN: 1976305748
Seitenzahl: 44


Kauf es hier:    Amazon. ca

Beschreibung auf Deutsch: Vielen Kindern weltweit wurde erzählt, dass es nur noch ein paar hundert Eisbären auf der ganzen Welt gibt. Zum Glück ist die Nachricht, dass der Polarbär dem Untergang geweiht sei (und dass das allein die Schuld der Menschen sei) falsch. Es wird Zeit, dass die Kinder dies erfahren.

Die gute Nachricht, die Kinder hören müssen, ist diese: Eisbären sind nicht vom Aussterben bedroht aufgrund des Klimawandels. Tatsächlich gibt es heute viel mehr Polarbären als vor 50 Jahren und die Population weltweit hat eine gesunde Größe. Und das obwohl das Meereseis seit 2007 ein Niveau erreicht hat, von dem es hieß, dass es katastrophale Folgen haben würde. Eisbären kommen ganz gut mit weniger Meereseis im Sommer klar; entgegen allen Erwartungen ist ihre Zahl über die Jahre gestiegen, sie sind nicht weniger geworden.

Eisbär Fakten und Mythen ist ein ermutigendes wissenschaftliches Buch über das Überleben in der Arktis, welches Kindern und Eltern gleichermaßen gefällt.

Über die Autorin: Susan Crockford ist eine professionelle Zoologin, die seit mehr als 20 Jahren Polarbär-Ökologie und Evolution studiert. Sie hat einen Doktortitel und schreibt einen Blog über die historische und gegenwärtige Situation der Polarbären: Seit Jahren fragten Leser sie nach einem wissenschaftlichen Buch dass sich auch an Kinder richtet und in gleichsam rationaler und umfassender Perspektive gehalten ist wie ihre wissenschaftlichen Texte für Erwachsene. Dieses Buch ist Dr. Crockfords Antwort.

French: A French translation of Polar Bear Facts and Myths is now available through Amazon, suitable for children aged seven and up. Full colour in paperback only, 44 pages (8 x 10 inches).

Crockford Ours Polaire_French front cover_standard thumbnail_10 Sept 2017

Titre: Ours Polaire Faits et Mythes: Un résumé scientifique pour tous âges

L’autheur: Susan J. Crockford
Traduit par: Reynald Duberger
ISBN: 1976158362

Date de publication: 10 Sept 2017

Acheter-le ici:

On a fait croire aux enfants qu’il ne reste que quelques centaines d’ours polaires, mais l’implacable message sur les ours polaires condamnés (par la faute de l’homme) est heureusement faux. Il est temps qu’on révèle la vérité aux jeunes.

Voici donc les bonnes nouvelles qu’on doit apprendre aux enfants: les ours polaires n’ont jamais été menacés d’extinction à cause d’un réchauffement global anthropique. Il y a effectivement davantage d’ours polaires qu’il y en avait il y a 50 ans, et la population globale est d’un taille respectable, en dépit du fait que la banquise d’été ait atteint des niveaux ayant dû, selon les prévisions, mener à la catastrophe depuis 2007.

Les ours polaires se sont adaptés admirablement bien à ces niveaux, et contre toute attente, leur nombre a augmenté et non pas diminué au cours des années.

L’ours polaire: Faits et Mythes est un livre scientifique inspirant sur la survie dans l’Arctique qui plaira aussi bien aux parents qu’aux enfants.

Dutch: A Dutch translation of Polar Bear Facts and Myths is now available through Amazon, suitable for children aged seven and up. Full colour in paperback only, 44 pages (8 x 10 inches).

Crockford FM cover Dutch Translation 2 Nov 2018_FINAL_thumbnail

Titel: Feiten en Mythes over IJsberen: Een samenvatting voor alle leeftijden
Auteur: Susan J. Crockford
Vertaler: Marcel Crok
Datum van publicatie: 4 November 2018
ISBN: 978-1730787638

Dit prachtige, full colour boek legt op een eenvoudige manier uit waarom het uitstekend gaat met ijsberen ondanks een afname van ijs rond de Noordpool in de afgelopen jaren. Het is geschreven in de vorm van vragen en antwoorden, in taal die begrijpelijk is voor kinderen vanaf een jaar of 7, en gebaseerd op de meest actuele gegevens. Het boek kijkt op een nuchtere wijze naar de wetenschap over ijsberen, een aanpak die veeleisende lezers zal bevallen. Zowel kinderen als volwassenen zullen de prachtige foto’s kunnen waarderen.

In the US, order it here, in Germany, here, in the UK here, and in France, here.

Norwegian: A Norwegian translation of Polar Bear Facts and Myths is now available through Amazon, suitable for children aged seven and up. Full colour in paperback only, 44 pages (8 x 10 inches).

Crockford FM front cover Norwegian FINAL 18 Nov 2018_thumbnail

Tittel: ISBJØRN Fakta og Myter: Et vitenskapelig sammendrag for alle aldre

Forfatter: Susan J. Crockford

Oversattere: Arve Tunstad og Morten Jødal

Publiseringsdato: 18 November 2018

ISBN: 978-1731525628

Denne boken, illustrert med vakre fargebilder, forklarer på en enkel og lettfattelig måte hvorfor isbjørnen trives, til tross for at det er blitt mindre sjøis i Arktis de senere årene. Den er skrevet i et spørsmål/svar-format, med et språk som lesere i alle aldre kan forstå (fra 7 år, og oppover), basert på den ferskeste informasjonen som er tilgjengelig. Boken har en rasjonell tilnærming til isbjørn-vitenskapen, noe skarpsindige lesere vil sette pris på. Barn og voksne vil elske de fengslende bildene.

Barn over hele kloden har vært forledet til å tro at det bare er noen få hundre isbjørn igjen i verden, men de stadige meldingene om at isbjørnen er dømt til undergang (og at det er menneskenes feil), er heldigvis ikke riktige. Det er på tide at barn får vite sannheten.

Her er de gode nyhetene som barn trenger å høre: Isbjørnen er ikke drevet til randen av utryddelse på grunn av menneskeskapt global oppvarming. Faktisk er det mange flere isbjørner nå enn det var for 50 år siden. Det er en frisk og levedyktig bestand av isbjørn i verden, til tross for det faktum at sjøisen om sommeren, siden 2007, har vært på et nivå som ble spådd å føre til katastrofe. Isbjørnen har klart seg fint med lite sommer-is: Mot alle forventninger, har de blitt flere, ikke færre.

Isbjørn Fakta & Myter er en oppmuntrende vitenskapsbok om overlevelse i Arktis, som garantert vil glede både barn og foreldre.

Available in the US at  Also order from Germany here and in the UK here.


For adults and high school students


Available now! This full-color, fully-referenced polar bear science book is aimed at adults and high school students. Polar Bears: Outstanding Survivors of Climate Change is fashioned after the popular lecture with the same title Susan has given through the University of Victoria’s Speakers Bureau since 2009, which has been enthusiastically received by audiences with a wide range of interests.

It contains the critical information readers need to understand polar bear ecology and conservation issues without drowning in detail: the most up-to-date information available in an easy to digest format that is fully referenced.

This is the rational science reference book about polar bears that readers around the world have been requesting. It was updated March 2017 to include data and references from recent Baffin Bay and Kane Basin surveys.

Available in paperback or ebook formats. (US)

Amazon Canada

Amazon UK

Other ebook options (including formats for Nook, Kobi, and Apple appliance, as well as simple pdf) are available now via Smashwords. Nook “epub” ebook versions should be available shortly via Barnes and Noble.

For preschoolers


Available now! This beautiful color book is a ‘first science book’ for preschoolers who love polar bears. There are no gory images, no discussion of starving bears, climate change, or threatened species – just fabulous pictures of polar bears doing what they do in their natural Arctic habitat, accompanied by lighthearted descriptions. It’s a great first polar bear science book for adults to read to kids but it’s also one that kids will want to learn to read.

In paper back only. (US)